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Connecting PostgreSQL RDS instance to S3

February 13, 2023

This method can be used to load a large amount of data into an RDS instance running on and utilizes an AWS PostgreSQL S3 extension in the process described in the AWS documentation for Importing data from S3 into RDS for PostgreSQL.


This process, outlined in the AWS documentation, will work with your PostgreSQL database and S3 buckets, given the following:

AWS S3 Extension

First you must install the AWS S3 extension.

You will need to access the PostgreSQL database on the cli using one of the methods detailed here.

Information needed

Once you have installed the AWS S3 extension, you then need to gather information to provide for the PostgreSQL RDS to S3 connection function which consist of:

  • The name of the table on your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance

    This is the table into which the aws_s3.table_import_from_s3 function is to import the data.

  • The S3 bucket name
  • The S3 file path
  • The S3 file type

    These can be obtained from the service key for your S3 service. To get the credentials such as the bucket name, region and file type, these can be obtained from the service key, you can run cf service-key <SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME> <KEY_NAME>; you will see a JSON description of the credentials. Treat these values as sensitive!

  • The AWS Region: us-gov-west-1

  • S3 Bucket Access Key Id and Secret obtained in your S3 service-key credentials


You will then set up permissions on your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance to allow access to the file on the Amazon S3 bucket using the previously obtained credentials.

Importing data

Finally you should be able to import the data into the table you have selected by issuing the aws_s3.table_import_from_s3 function as described here.

An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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